World's Oldest Beer

This sounds like something Johnny Depp would really, really want written into the next Pirates film: a two hundred-year-old beer, found in the deep blue sea. Apparently beer has been chilling for two centuries at the bottom of the Baltic Sea off the coast of Scandinavia. Here’s The Huffington Post’s summary of the brew:

Finnish scientists say they hope to re-brew an old ale after studying ancient beer found in a 19th century shipwreck at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.
Divers in July found five bottles of dark, foamy beer while salvaging champagne from the wreck near Finland’s Aland Islands. The shipwreck is believed to be from the early 19th century.
VTT spokeswoman Annika Wilhelmson said Tuesday that researchers want to find out what kind of yeast was used because “the role of yeast in beer brewing was not yet fully understood in the early 1800s.

It all sounds intriguing until the last paragraph. I don’t know what these Finns are planning, but I hope their yeast-related experiments don’t mean I won’t get a sample! Scientists, my empty glass is ready whenever you are.
Shake and Stir Blog

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